Pearl Harbor Remembered - Printable Version

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Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - poliss - 12-09-2010

Not forgetting, of course, the 11th of December 1941.

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Green_Elite_Cab - 12-09-2010

That one almost got me. the exact date didn't stand out at first, but it occured to me that it had to be the german declaration of war, being only a few days after pearl harbor.

thats a good example of a day that gets totally overshadowed, everyone naturually figures december 7 is the day it all got going.

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Sumpter250 - 12-09-2010

Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:That one almost got me. the exact date didn't stand out at first, but it occured to me that it had to be the german declaration of war, being only a few days after pearl harbor.
thats a good example of a day that gets totally overshadowed, everyone naturually figures december 7 is the day it all got going.

It was because of "Pearl", that the U.S. declared war on Japan.
As Japan's ally, Germany had no choice but to declare war on the U.S., and Churchill got what he wanted,
at war,
in Europe.

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - MadModeler - 04-12-2011

Sumpter250 Wrote:
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:That one almost got me. the exact date didn't stand out at first, but it occured to me that it had to be the german declaration of war, being only a few days after pearl harbor.
thats a good example of a day that gets totally overshadowed, everyone naturually figures december 7 is the day it all got going.

It was because of "Pearl", that the U.S. declared war on Japan.
As Japan's ally, Germany had no choice but to declare war on the U.S., and Churchill got what he wanted,
at war,
in Europe.

I read somewhere that Hitler was furious with Japan over the attack. Told them that they acted too soon and should have waited until Britain had fallen.

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Ralph - 04-12-2011

MadModeler Wrote:I read somewhere that Hitler was furious with Japan over the attack. Told them that they acted too soon and should have waited until Britain had fallen.

Coincidentally I heard the same information just the other week on a documentary about U boats. Up until Pearl Harbor he had ordered his subs to leave American shipping alone to avoid pulling us into the war with Britain. Apparently U boat captains who saw US ships as good targets were frustrated with the command.

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Steamtrains - 04-12-2011

If school boards had any sense, they would make "The American Experience" mandatory viewing in history classes. There's more history to be gotten there than in many textbooks, or teachers' minds. !!..And it's on TV...!!

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - P5se Camelback - 04-12-2011

Tadayz skools don' reelly teech much Mer'kan hizty no mo'.

Edumacayshun has tooken a downtern since the Departmint of Edumacayshun wuz brung inta eggsistince by thet there peanut farmer from Gjorja in the sevinteez, donsha no nuthin, Dawg'?

Amerkin histry teechin' beginz in tha 1860s sumtime. Ain't nuthin' much gud happen'd 'fer that ... leestwize nuthin' wurth noin' 'bout! Basidez, ain't nttin' morn all 'bout how we beez harrbull ta errybuddy an like dat. That's whut they beez tellin' us in de skoolz 'round these parts, Dawg! Whut up wichu? Hoo needz ta no enny of dat bizness ... ain't no help tryin' ta git down taday!

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Ralph - 04-12-2011

All is not lost....

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Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Steamtrains - 04-12-2011

Hmmmm....The Dept. of Education has been in existence since shortly after the Civil War (which really wasn't very "civil"...). It was "elevated" to cabinet status during JC's administration....

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Justinmiller171 - 04-12-2011

P5se Camelback Wrote:Tadayz skools don' reelly teech much Mer'kan hizty no mo'.

Edumacayshun has tooken a downtern since the Departmint of Edumacayshun wuz brung inta eggsistince by thet there peanut farmer from Gjorja in the sevinteez, donsha no nuthin, Dawg'?

Amerkin histry teechin' beginz in tha 1860s sumtime. Ain't nuthin' much gud happen'd 'fer that ... leestwize nuthin' wurth noin' 'bout! Basidez, ain't nttin' morn all 'bout how we beez harrbull ta errybuddy an like dat. That's whut they beez tellin' us in de skoolz 'round these parts, Dawg! Whut up wichu? Hoo needz ta no enny of dat bizness ... ain't no help tryin' ta git down taday!

Icon_lol Cheers

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - Green_Elite_Cab - 04-13-2011

it always bothers me when people don't see the value in history. It not just simply having knowledge, it helps you see and understand how the world around you works. a lot of the people i encounter have no clue how things really happened.

the whole WWII subject is a perfect example, and we've already fleshed out more specific ones. people forget that the war was going on for a little over 2 years in Europe, and forget it, All most people know is that the Japanese decided to attack one day for no reason. No mention ever gets made that Japan was looking for resources.

and thats just WWII. i bet any subject i study more closely is greatly misunderstood by people in general. true, you can't know everything there is to know, but the way some people talk about certain events in history, you'd think they'd actually crack open a text book, or at the very least, Google it.

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - P5se Camelback - 04-13-2011

Irish-born British Statesman and Philosopher Edmund Burke (1729-1797) is quoted as having once said ...

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."

... Think about that for a minute or two ...

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - steinjr - 04-13-2011

P5se Camelback Wrote:Tadayz skools don' reelly teech much Mer'kan hizty no mo'.

Edumacayshun has tooken a downtern since the Departmint of Edumacayshun wuz brung inta eggsistince by thet there peanut farmer from Gjorja in the sevinteez, donsha no nuthin, Dawg'?

Amerkin histry teechin' beginz in tha 1860s sumtime. Ain't nuthin' much gud happen'd 'fer that ... leestwize nuthin' wurth noin' 'bout! Basidez, ain't nttin' morn all 'bout how we beez harrbull ta errybuddy an like dat. That's whut they beez tellin' us in de skoolz 'round these parts, Dawg! Whut up wichu? Hoo needz ta no enny of dat bizness ... ain't no help tryin' ta git down taday!

Well, at least you manage to show off quite a few of your prejudices at the same time ....


Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - P5se Camelback - 04-13-2011

I will chose to laugh that off as sarcasm, Stein!

I never cease to be amazed at the inability of so many younger Americans to think in complete sentences, use proper grammar, spell correctly and conduct themselves in a business-like manner when they interview for a job!

A KoЯN T-shirt, baggy shorts hanging down to expose plaid boxer underwear is not appropriate dress for a job interview, no matter what the job! And one does not start a job interview with "Wassup, Dawg! How much does this gig pay?"

They don't even know how to make change behind a cash register if the damn terminal doesn't tell them how!

And they wonder why no one will hire them.

But English and math and history and science were all bull***t they "didn't need to know to get along in the world."

You can call me prejudiced if you wish ... no skin off my nose ... I earned good grades, went to college, earned a degree, worked hard, excelled, designed a lot of product to make life better and easier for a lot of people. I designed devices to assist in keeping those in the operation rooms of hospitals alive, I made a decent living, raised a family ... made a life I can now look back on with some satisfaction of knowing that over my career, I made a productive contribution to society.

I don't hold much hope for some of these fools coming along behind us! I have had contact with a couple who sincerely believe that, since they get money back at tax time, they haven't paid any tax! They're morons! They can't spell. They can't speak without using the "F"-word and gutter slang. And they wonder why they can't find a job that will pay them $100K a year so they can buy a Hummer with 20" rims!

They all have the same opportunity to go to school and learn ... they just choose not to take advantage of the opportunity that is handed to them, because they are "too smart for that waste of time."

I'm not prejudiced, just a realist. And as a veteran, I'm saddened by what is happening to the country for which I risked my life!!

Re: Pearl Harbor Remembered - steinjr - 04-13-2011

P5se Camelback Wrote:I'm not prejudiced, just a realist.

Oh, certainly. Because clearly most, if not all, young Americans speak in carricature Ebonics, and clearly (due to the US Department of Education and Jimmy Carter?) there are no attempts whatsoever in schools to teach them e.g. any form of early American history ....

Anyways - I'll let you have your "Après nous, le déluge" fantasies, while knowing that long after we both are gone, life still will go on, kids still will get an education, kids still will complain about having to learn dumb stuff they won't need after school, and old men still will grump on about "kids these days", while waxing lyrical about how much better everything was back when they were young.

It has only been going on for two millenia or so of recorded history. It is not extremely likely to stop anytime soon :-)
