Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - Printable Version

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Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - BR60103 - 06-11-2009

I have the Bachmann Walt Disney train (Lily Belle). The original Bachmann couplers are giving out -- the springs no longer hold the knuckles closed. So I decided to replace them with Kadee. Being adventuresome Nope I bought the scale head with integral spring that will stick in your finger. All seems fine but the couplers don't swing back and forth. A couple of seconds with the micrometer shows that the Kadees are thicker than the Bachmenn and are binding in the coupler box. A check on the old #5 suggests that they'll only fit if I leave the spring out -- not a geat idea.

Any suggestions? Does this happen with other models?

Secondary question: when I undid the screws the screw came out with plastic in the threads -- not good. What solution for this?

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - nachoman - 06-11-2009

My first suggestion, for both problems, is to see if you can somehow get a kadee #5 coupler box to fit. I am not familiar with this particular model, so I don't know how feasible that is.

If you have to use the original box, you can fix the thread problem by cementing a small plug of styrene (like a bit from a sprue) into the hole, cutting it flush, and then re-drilling it and tapping it for a 2-56 screw. To solve the space problem, you can try sanding the shank of the coupler thinner, or making the box a little bit wider. To make the box wider, I would first sand the inside surface of the lid with 400 grit sandpaper (or finer) to make sure it is absolutely smooth. You can build up the edges of the box with thin strips of styrene, and then assemble as usual.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - BR60103 - 06-11-2009

Thanks, Kevin. The box is moulded to the body and I don't really want to fight with it that much. The screws are about 00-90 size, not 2-56. I'll consider adding a bit to the box, but again I didn't want to make irreversible modifications. (I've already replaced the wheels.)

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - nachoman - 06-11-2009

BR60103 Wrote:Thanks, Kevin. The box is moulded to the body and I don't really want to fight with it that much. The screws are about 00-90 size, not 2-56. I'll consider adding a bit to the box, but again I didn't want to make irreversible modifications. (I've already replaced the wheels.)

you could use the existing screws, if they are the self-tapping type. Just fill the hole with styrene, re-drill the hole, and insert the screw.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - cidchase - 06-11-2009

from your description, it sounds like a touch of the file on the coupler would let it fit in the box.
It also sounds like a thin shim under the cover would do the same. maybe stick a piece or two of
scotch tape to build up the box, then trim out inside.

I would just put a thin sliver of plastic in the hole before re-inserting the screws, just as
you might put a toothpick or two in with a wood screw which has gotten loose in the hole.

(My 0.14 rmb) :mrgreen:

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - eightyeightfan1 - 06-12-2009

They're probably self tapping screws, in which case a little plastic will get caught between the threads. Unless you pulled the screws straight out with out turning them, I don't see a problem. Try turning them back in. If they don't tighten up, try one of the solutions mentioned above.
As far as the coupler sticking, you can ream out the coupler shank, either with a reamer, or a small round jewelers file. Also, some white lithium grease might also help. Kadee sells it in a tube for a couple of bucks.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - MasonJar - 06-12-2009

You might want to try the Kadee #5 equivalent that has the "whiskers" attached for centering action (can't recall the number... 35 ). No separate spring required.

EDIT - it's the 148 (#5 equiv) or 158 (#58 "scale" equiv).


Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - BR60103 - 06-12-2009

I just checkd with the micrometer again. The Kadees (148 and 158) are .056" thick while the Bachmanns are just under .050". The Kadee packet says thy are .056, so that's right.
I must think. Maybe the McHenrys will fit.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - nkp_174 - 06-18-2009

Interesting problem. I've never had it when adding either #5s or #58s to B-man equipment. (I never trust the EZ-mates on locomotives). I'd try Andrew's idea.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - Russ Bellinis - 06-18-2009

BR60103 Wrote:I just checkd with the micrometer again. The Kadees (148 and 158) are .056" thick while the Bachmanns are just under .050". The Kadee packet says thy are .056, so that's right.
I must think. Maybe the McHenrys will fit.

Are you talking about a problem on the locomotive tender only or every car in the train as well? .006" is not really very much to take off. Even if you need to do every coupler on every car in the train, you are probably only talking about a dozen or so couplers. I think if it were me I would just glue a piece of wet or dry paper to a block and sand off .003 top and bottom of the coupler shank at least as far as they go into the coupler box. The other option that is even less work is to buy one of those sanding sponges from your local home improvement store and use that to sand off a bit from the couplers.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - BR60103 - 06-18-2009

Russ: I got as far as the caboose and one car -- not tried the tender yet. Both cars stick.
I think these are metal shanks and I'm not sure how good my sanding will be.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - Russ Bellinis - 06-18-2009

Probably the sanding sponges will be too soft, but if you glue a piece of wet or dry to a section of 2 x 4 about 4-6 inches long, you can easily sand down the top and bottom of the couplers. You don't need to take very much off, just go slowly and check it frequently.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - nkp_174 - 06-19-2009

You could just use a new(er) mill or diamond file.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - Russ Bellinis - 06-19-2009

BR60103 Wrote:Russ: I got as far as the caboose and one car -- not tried the tender yet. Both cars stick.
I think these are metal shanks and I'm not sure how good my sanding will be.

I think you need to think about how much a Kaddee coupler costs versus the problems of using another brand of "knock off." You might mess up a coupler if you file or sand it too far or get it less than flat, but what is the total loss you will suffer if you mess one up? How much will you spend trying out different brands of cheap couplers that will probably find the same way to fail, or else fresh ways to fail.

Re: Kadee Couplers on Bachmann - tompm - 06-19-2009


Is Lily Belle the name of the set? Are you trying to put the couplers on the locomotive or the cars?

Have you checked Kadee's website. They list coupler conversions by manufacturer. The following link takes you to the Bachmann page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kadee.com/conv/hocc14.htm">http://www.kadee.com/conv/hocc14.htm</a><!-- m -->

If the #5 coupler does not fit they ahve others. Also they have speical conversion kits for certian locos and cars. I know the Bachmann Plus F7's require a special kit. It worked great with the kit. Without the information on Kadee's site and the kit I would have never gotten the Kadee couplers on my Bachmann Plus F7A and F7B locos.