Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
Ralph Wrote:Hi Stein,

I like the rework on the barge. The triangular gussets area nice touch. I think its great you are consulting historical phtoos from the Twin cities area as inspiration. As for color I found a photo of what is probably a more contemporary St. Paul area barge but it has similar enough lines to yours. Seems to be a red oxide color. Whatever color you chose rust and grime will be certainly add to the patina! Smile
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Brilliant ! Color is one of those things that is not easy to get from black and white photos Goldth

I have already reprimed the barge with gray spray. I'll try some red/browish for the sides and brown/yellowish for the deck tomorrow - it needs to dry properly, and I need to sand off a spot where I got too much primer before I repaint.

Btw - I went back and looked at some more of the pictures on the website you linked to - that guy (Steve Murray) is a talented photographer !

Thank you very much!


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