Alternative (EASY!) Method to plastering scenery (Pics!)
First, you will need some materials:

I used the following:

1) Plaster of paris (this sets quickly - much preferable)
2) A spray bottle with water
3) Masking tape
4) A salt shaker
5) A plastic spoon
6) A paper funnel
EDIT: 7) And duh, paper towels. (Where is my brain)

Cover any nearby trackwork with the masking tape, and fill the shaker with plaster using the spoon and funnel.


Using your sprayer, mist the area you are going to work on. Get it nice and wet. Since foam doesn't take well to water, the water beads up, so get it good and wet.


Use your salt shaker and sprinkle some plaster over the wet area. Plaster doesn't come out like sand from an hourglass, so you have got to tap the bottom like a ketchup bottle.


Spray the sprinkled plaster to get it nice and wet. Don't be stingy with the water, as when you apply paper towels, it will soak it up and hold it in place while it dries.


While the paper towel is dry, it is easy to cut it to the exact shape that you need. Do this now and apply it to the wet area.


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