GEC's Duff Challenge
I have to upload the pics (got sick in the meantime, so i'll get to it later), but there is some more progress

I got a hold of the August 1972 issue of Rail Model Craftsmen, which has a CNJ GP40P plan in it. So far, most of my "eyeballed" modifications have been correct. Indeed, the only thing that appears to need alteration is the dynamic brake fan location, but then i'm not sure the drawing matches the prototype photos in this regard.

I am reconsidering Cannon & co fans, since they DO look nice, and if I'm going do all this work, why not? I think i have the proper fans for the dynamic brakes already from the GP40FH-2 project.

Another problem is that the GP40 style radiator grilles are actually not large enough. they ARE the right pattern, but if I used them, i'd have to cut them up and glue them together, which may be difficult. Plano makes SD45 radiator grills that are a perfect match however, and these are made from etched metal, so they could potentially look even better.

Since nobody else makes a "standard" SD45 radiator grill (apart from Detail associates) I'll try to acquire these.

In the meantime, I have aquired all the styrene strip and Cannon hood parts needed to make the body shell, apart from the radiator grills. I also purchased the brass stock I need to extend the frame.

I have begun the frame extension already. I milled out a section of the GP40 frame. In cross section at this location, the frame appears vaguely like an "L". I milled the frame until it became an "l", and then I cut it. This created a flat shelf to install the screws. I layered and soldered heavy brass plate cut to fit the gap between the original frame sections and extend the truck centers to the scale 37' 3" of the GP40P. I have begun to drill and tap holes for the mounting screws, but unfortunately I found out I was out of the poper screws!

I will also need to get much smaller screws and taps to help stabilize the frame after all is said and done, since it seems like only one screw per joint won't do the trick. Smaller screws on the side can help hold the frame steady. I plan to solder these screws in place as well once they are finished, so to discourage movement.

Unfortunately, classes are picking up for me, but I think I'll be able to get this project relatively underway as soon as I get all the remaining parts. If I have time after assignments tonight, I may try to build up the body shell.

This is the locomotive as I intend to model it-

[Image: 4728.1113178380.jpg]

I also have plans for the GP7 in the back (already have all the decals and paint, just need a good GP7 to work with)

[Image: 1682.1261334627.jpg]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

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