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When I was ballasting my track I tried to be extra careful around the turnouts but a couple of them are a little stiff.Is there anything that I can do to free them up? Suggestions welcome-Bob
I operate the newly balasted turnout at least every 15 minutes for about 4 hours.
HI Bob.
What did you cement the ballast with ? If it was white glue and water, put a drop or two of water, alcohol or Goo Gone where they are stuck. Let it soak in and then carefully start working the points. You might need to do this a number of times, but eventually they will free up. Mine did, anyhow. Big Grin



Loren-Thanks for the tip.I used Woodland Scenics cement.I'll give your idea a try and see what happens. Bob
Your welcome. Good luck.

When I ballast turnouts, I'll spray the heck out the ballasted turnout with 70% alcohol. And I mean spray the heck. Then I'll apply the Elmers and water mix. I have know idea about WS Scenic glue.
From what I have read on other forums, it is just white glue with the water all ready added Eek



Thanks Wayne. As Loren stated the WS stuff is just like white glue and water.
What I'll probably do is check all the closure points and make sure there is no ballast stuck there then drop some 70 % around the throw bar to loosen any cement. Bob