Full Version: The Gauge Railroad???
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Is the Gauge railroad still around or does it belong to that other forum? I have yet to get around to painting up a car for it.
How can you own something that doesn't exist?
But, I would say yes.
What are they(CG) going to do?...Sue to get possesion of the Gauge cars I've painted?

If you do paint and decal one, it has been discussed to use the new logo.
Though the numbering system might have to be changed, as everyone has new member numbers.
Anybody have any thoughts?

Here is my Ideas: if some one paints up a locomotive It should have an number containing G L last 3 digits of member number
where G= gauge as in N, Z, Ho, S, O, G with the narrow gauges noted as HOn30 as H030 ect.
where L=loco type as in S for steam, D for diesel and E for electric

For rolling stock maybe use the older method but with new member numbers Thumbsup

Feel free to use, add to or edit as you see fit 8-)