Full Version: Happy b'day TrainNut
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Gee, hasn't anyone noticed that today he uh... hit the... uh, big... FOUR-OH

Yep, here's wishing you a


548 548 548 548 548 548 548 548
train train train train train train train train train
1990_dancing 1990_dancing 1990_dancing 1990_dancing 1990_dancing 1990_dancing 1990_dancing 1990_dancing
Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday TrainNut.

Have a great birthday!!!!! 2285_ 2285_ 2285_
Oh Cool!!! Joining the "Over the hill" gang eh?????

Happy B-day and many More!!!!

train 1990_dancing 1990_dancing 548

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train train train train train train train train train train train train train train train train
:band2" 548 1990_dancing :band2" 548 1990_dancing :band2"
Thanks guys... I needed that. Put a smile on my face. 40? Oh geez. Where'd the last 20 years go? 35
TrainNut - The Happiest of Birth Anniversaries to your on your 40th (consecutive ?) year. May you have many more...remember, 10 more and it's HALF A CENTURY !!!! BOb C.
Dang, sorry I missed this 35 , belated Happy Birthday!
Thanks everybody! I guess it's time to get a pair of glasses now. Maybe a walker too! 357
TrainNut Wrote:Thanks everybody! I guess it's time to get a pair of glasses now. Maybe a walker too! 357
Funny you should mention that, but years ago I went to an eye doctor and told him I couldn't read close up and had to hold stuff at arms length before it was legible. I asked him "why?" He said, "how old are you?" and I answered, "40".... His reply..."that's why"... Confusedhock: