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So, here I am again, back at the beginning..........I started out building ship models, and here we go again.
The "Schooner":[attachment=3102]
a close up of the entire hull:[attachment=3101]
And a closer view of the aft end, cabin, and steering box/wheel:[attachment=3100]

The "Cutter":[attachment=3099]
This is a close up of "the doubling of the mast", and shows some of the hardware (bail, ring bolts, mast cap, and fidded topmast[attachment=771]

The "rule" of ship modeling is; the parts of a ship are modeled, and then assembled into a ship. On both, the hulls are built, the decks, hatches, cabins, spars, etc. are ready, and the "ironwork" is in progress. These two sailing vessels will take a while to build, paint, and rig.
More later.
Here's the Friendship sloop. There's just a bit of paint left to do and it's finished.

The schooner has some paint and iron work done as does the cutter. The next step for them is to finish the ironwork, and get to rigging......progress shots as soon as I can set them up and shoot them.

The Friendship sloop measures 5" from the tip of the bowsprit to the end of the boom, just to give you an idea of the size of everything.
I got these shots cleaned up and resized, so:
The cutter first.[attachment=3208]
and the schooner.[attachment=3206]
The cutter, "Ventures Lady" is done!
This first shot is a close up on the module.
this shot shows part of the "seaport scene as it is, with the cutter posed wharfside.
I'll have to set up in better lighting for a detail shot, it's getting late for that right now.
Next, I get to work on the schooner.....and the rebuild of the N.Y. Pilot schooner "Phantom"...(this one will be a gift, promised a long time ago now).
Here's a couple of shots, better lit.
Very nice pics, this is going to be a great work of art when you get it all together.
LynnB Wrote:Very nice pics, this is going to be a great work of art when you get it all together.

Thank You.
Fantastic boats....!!! Wish I had the hands, and time, to build stuff like that.... Thumbsup
Steamtrains Wrote:Fantastic boats....!!! Wish I had the hands, and time, to build stuff like that.... Thumbsup
It's more a case of time, especially now that my hands aren't as steady as they used to be! Goldth Goldth
I also have this going on: The Pilot Schooner Phantom is being built as a gift. It is a rebuild of a prebuilt model that had been severely damaged, so I was able to get "all the parts" for pennies on th dollar.
Very cool! Nice work and details on those models.
One quick photo:[attachment=3637]
The fife rails have been rescued from the original build. I've completed the forward companionway, the rudder, 6 bollards (2 fwd,4,aft), and added the guard bars over the skylight windows. The bars are cut down from a Detail Associates, GE C32-8 grille set.
Every time I think to take a few pictures, the camera batteries are dead! So, Phantom is painted, and the modules have changed a bit. Hey, until it's glued down, I have the option of moving it around. I've been working on the bridges, and track, in the hopes that I might have the set ready for the upcoming RR show at the Charlestown MAll, in St. Charles, Il. Feb 12-14.
I've also increased the water area a bit, and painted it........too blue, have to tone it down before permanently attaching the bridges, etc.
I also have made up the sheets of shingle material needed to shingle the boathouse kit.
I'll try to get some pictures taken as soon as I can get the batteries charged (an hours long process, and I have to be here while they charge.....fire hazard, older NiMH batteries...they get hot!)
Awesome! I love ship models. Worship
A couple of progress pics:
first, a shot of pretty much all three,
Next shot, the bridges,
and last, a zoom in on the rolling lift bridge....this one an old Heljan kit (one of many, as the tool went from one company to another)[attachment=4018]

Yeah, the color of the water is definitely too blue! I need to figure out what colors I need to mix with a clear, to tint the water down a bit, I'm thinking greens, at least for a start. I really liked the old Testors "Sky Blue Metallic", it was almost a perfect color for "scale water".
I have to get the water right before I can permanently attach everything.
In that first pic, the building on the far left, still mostly red, is the old Revell depot kit. I removed the curved dormer from the front roof, and added one of the Atlas dormers left over from one of the other building kitbashes, to the back. The hole in the front roof was filled, with styrene sheet, and shingled over. This will get a "Seaport Gray" before it gets fastened down.
That is really impressive. You must have a lot of space to spend so much for the water. That gives the bridges the stage they deserve.
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