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?esrever ni gnipyt eb ot smees draobyek ym yhw aedi yna evah ydobyna seoD

Or, to put it another way (by composing in Word)

Does anybody have any idea of why my keyboard is suddenly typing in reverse?

If you are using internet explorer 7 you need to press "alt" on the key board to bring up the menu, then go to view then encoding then left - to - right document, might work.
Thanks for the reply, poliss. I was using Mozilla Firefox and this is the second time I've had this happen. I suspect that I've accidentally struck a key that I shouldn't have (my daughter calls this the "sausage-finger syndrome", although I would be inclined to label it the "meat-headed syndrome") Wink Misngth

I was able to correct the situation by re-starting the computer. I thought it really strange that when working in "Word", everything functioned normally, whereas in this forum and also at the Model Railroader site, everything typed in reverse.

There are 116,000 results on Google for 'keyboard typing backwards firefox' so you're not the first person it's happened too.
The first thing I would do is to check for keys getting stuck. Turn the keyboard upside down and shake it. Should get rid of anything clogged in the keyboard. Then use a brush to clear under the keys. You'd be surprised at how often it's the keys sticking that causes problems.
Weird! Well, if it ever happens to me I now know what to do! Smile
Could also be a Facebook add-on that causes the problem. I always decline the add-ons.
doctorwayne Wrote:(my daughter calls this the "sausage-finger syndrome", although I would be inclined to label it the "meat-headed syndrome") Wink Misngth

I call it the "bad kitty" syndrome. I don't know how many times I've had the cat jump on the keyboard only to have him push a combination of keys that makes something weird happen.
No cat and no Facebook - I like to create my own problems. Misngth Misngth Misngth

No Facebook? What's it like living in 2006?

I live in the here and now, and you wouldn't find me on facebook or any of those other places for love or money. 2009 has its own challenges. My time on these forums is lots. Adding a social network is just another two hours at the keyboard each day. No thanks....

"Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Mister Nutbar and me wuz both told we ain't a-lout to join-up with no Facebook, but we figgert it's their loss. Misngth Misngth

[Image: hillbilly-1.jpg]

He's the fancy-pants with the clean shirt, showin' off his new wristwatch, whilst I'm the good-lookin' one, of course. Wink
Talk about hitting the wrong keys......I was playing Silent Hunter ( a submarine sim game..kinda like Trainzz, but underwater... Goldth )..To take a screen shot you're supposed to hit Ctrl-F11. In my haste to take a screen shot I hit Shift-F11. The game became a little sluggish after that...but I didn't pay no mind....Next day I'm gonna move the screen shots I took to their folder...and I find not just the couple I took...but 39,000+ screen shots...!!!!! This had gone on for close to three hours while I played...It took 3-4 screenshots PER SECOND....!!!!!! No wonder things got a little slow.... :oops:

P.D. With faces like that...you guys need your own book...!!! 357
don't know why puters do things like that Curse but are you shure that photo is you and Mr nutbar it looks like my mothers brothers they were sonar opperators in WW2 Goldth Misngth 357
You could always do what I do when I have a computer problem.
Take the CPU...Lift high over your head.....throw to the floor at a great velocity.
Won't fix the computer...But you'll feel better.
Sometimes, IT will diagnose this problem as P.E.B.C.A.K.

Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair... Wink Big Grin

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