If you haven't found it yet, Shorpy.com is a great site for period historical pictures and scenery. Most are in black and white, but there is a wealth of detail and stuff.
Thank you Stu. I have just spent 4 very enjoyable hours on this site, and found things that I would never have found elsewhere. I even found a great picture of a watermelon car that one of my buddies is modeling right now.
I highly recommend it for the modelers from the 20's and 30's. (Doctorwayne).
Thanks again for sharing.
Excellent site! Thanks...

Terrific site..!! Never heard of it before....One could spend a LOT of time browsing it...Brought back some memories...

All of the old pictures are great, but this one is really somrthing. I want a model of it.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shorpy.com/node/7067">http://www.shorpy.com/node/7067</a><!-- m -->
That is cool Charlie. Go out in style.
