Full Version: Sad news for one of our Members...
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This is just a note to let everyone know that I spoke, via e-mail, with Jim Marksbery this afternoon, and learned that his wife is terminally ill. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.

Oh Mannnnn Sad Sad Sad

Jim - - Out thoughts and Prayers are with her and your family!!!!
We all hope that Jim and his family are able to endure this and get through these trying and difficult times with as little difficulty as possible. He, his wife and his family are all in our prayers.
Wow, that's rough. My serious condolences to Jim and his family as they face this most difficult time.
That's sad. Our prayers for him and his family. May they be blessed with endurance and peace as they travel this difficult path.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil."
I'm very sorry to hear about that. Thoughts and prayers are with them.
All my best wishes & prayers for you & your wife Jim.
May you find the true strength of your faith, and let it carry you through your darkest times. You have friends here. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Cheers with whats been stated above and my god see her out and help you thru the diffacult time.
Oh Man..Sorry to hear such news..May God bless Jim and his family.
Wow, my computer crashed last week, and when I get the new computer, I find this. Saying I'm sorry to hear of this or offering condolences seems so futile. My prayers are with you and your family, Jim.
Gosh, I am deeply sorry about this news. My thoughts will be with them both. Very sad.

It's sad but true that when you hear of other people's misfortune it makes you realize how lucky you are for what you have---Jim,may God bless your family
Our hearts and prayers to his family.
Oh Goodness, God bless and take care.
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