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The last two PMs I "sent", as in wrote the message and clicked on "submit", went to the outbox. Q. I have looked, how do you get the message from the "outbox" to the receipient ??? Neither of them showed up in "sent mail". :?: :?: :?:
The seem to stay in the outbox until the recipient picks them up. I guess that's in place of the "return receipt" we use to have.
They stay there and you can edit them... up until the recipient goes tho their inboc and "receives them" Smile

Yes - it's the same as tracking. As long os you can see it there.. It has not been read..
Also, if you delete them while they are in the Outbox, the recipient can't see them. But I think they see they got a "deleted message". So they'll probably act all suspicious until you explain yourself. 357