Full Version: mouse over causing problem
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Is anyone else having trouble with the pop up box with the message covering the link to the topic, and making the link useless.
This is the first I have had trouble with it. Frankly, it does nothing to enhance my experience on the gauge anyway, but til now wasn't a problem.
I thought it was only large messages, but I had a heck of a time starting this topic because the button popped up here too. Is their a way to disable this in IE7?
Yes you can. Go to your "User Control Panel" (at top left of screen), select the "board preference" tab then select the "edit display options" menu. There you'll find "disable text hover", just click "yes" and then "submit". I don't like mouse overs either regardless of where they are.
Thanks for adding that by the way, I like being able to see what the thread is before I click it.
Cheers Cheers
ezdays Wrote:Yes you can. Go to your "User Control Panel" (at top left of screen), select the "board preference" tab then select the "edit display options" menu. There you'll find "disable text hover", just click "yes" and then "submit". I don't like mouse overs either regardless of where they are.
Thanks Don, I should have looked there myself, but aggravation causes frustration and it was too early in the AM Icon_lol
No biggie, you either like it or you don't, I'm just glad there's a way of disabling things when you're among those who don't... Welcome

And thank Path if you're among those that do like it, he's the one that added it. 2285_
ezdays Wrote:Yes you can. Go to your "User Control Panel" (at top left of screen), select the "board preference" tab then select the "edit display options" menu. There you'll find "disable text hover", just click "yes" and then "submit". I don't like mouse overs either regardless of where they are.

Has the "disable text hover" option been removed?

I looked and I can't find it Sad Sad
FiatFan Wrote:Has the "disable text hover" option been removed?


Yup, it as lost during the move a few months ago. Thanks for the reminder, it is suppose to be on the "to-do" list I was going to give to Packey and forgot.... :oops: :oops: It is a short list, and will include this and the chat room as well along with a few "would like" things that we used to have but don't now.

I don't like to use it and so I'm hoping that if we do implement it, we could also disable it like before.
Thanks for the quick update.

Are you talking about the hover ballons? If so I would like to get that feature back again.
Tyson Rayles Wrote:Are you talking about the hover ballons? If so I would like to get that feature back again.

Yes, we lost it when we moved, and we need to send out a search party to find it again. I'll ask Packey if he wants to lead the party. 357

It's my fault, he asked me for a list of things he needed to attend to and I forgot to give it to him. My bad.... Icon_lol Icon_lol
Just a quick note to all those that miss this function. Packey has agreed to add the hover balloons as a modification to our software. He will have to find a mod that will allow us to individually disable this function in our User Control Panel, just like before. One reason it was eliminated was that when the forum software is updated, some mods won't work with the updates, and others cause problems, so he will have to find the right addition and check it out. That may take a while, but it is on his "to-do" list.

We also intent to find a compatible chat room for those of you that would use it. We will implement both these as soon as possible.