Full Version: MTH RailKing Figures for 55n3
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MTH makes a set of 120 figures (MTH 30-11043)that are Scale55. There are 10 poses. 10 each of the standing poses. The seated figures fit the Bachmann On30 seats perfectly. Available from $23-$30 The standing figure is 5'-6".

[Image: mth_figures.jpg]

Looks like these figures are plastic, and, with some "minor surgery", and clothing modifications could make a diverse crowd.
"The seated figures fit the Bachmann On30 seats perfectly."
Keep it up Harold, you're making this 55n3 stuff look more attractive every day!

(When I did the Adirondack chairs for GCLaser, I started with full size measurements. I was amazed when the Atlas HO seated figure, fit the chair perfectly.)