Full Version: Nav Addition ?
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Hi Guys - anybody mentioned adding a "<PREVIOUS/NEXT>" button at the bottom (and top) of the threads ? Thanks, Bob C.
I'm going to add this to my list to investigate. Some people write modifications for this forum software, so I can find some things which I can add on. I'll see if there is something out there.

I can't find anything for this. It looks like they had something for a really old version. I guess because they added a pull down menu to jump to other forums, that is supposed to be good enough.

I think it can also get confusing, because when there is more than one page of threads in a forum, there is a Next link for the next page.
I don't miss any previous/next button, I never use one anyway. Can't ever tell what's coming up, almost like flying blind. I always prefer to go to each forum index, and pick the topic that I want to read.
Hey - HAPPY '09 top the EXECUTIVE STAFF of the BEST MRR FORUM on the NET ! Thanks for getting our NEW/OLD house together ! The "prev/next" was just a suggestion - haven't been around "the Gauge" that long, but « Previous Thread | Next Thread » has been at the bottom center for as long as I remember...check Z*****/CG - it may be a v bulletin feature (i'm lucky my computer starts - no expert on your specialty, Pat. Thanks for all the work to get this going, and keep it up !!! Bob C.