I found not just for laundry but i use them on my layout and work bench hot glued to the underside to hold diffrent objects so that i dont have to worry about knocking it off tabel top side or setting such as glue gun on layout as we most know foam and heat dont work well.
Good idea! I hot glue them to the underside of my benchwork to hold up the fabric skirting around my layout.
Another handy tool is tater chip bag clips.
Needing to install strips of window glass in my passenger cars found the longer El-cheapo plastic clips used for potato chip bags held them nicely from moving around while the ac set.
Small women's hair clips will work for small clamps too. You can get them in single points or dual points. Bend them to suite your needs.
I have a toolbox drawer, full of the 1-1/2" "mini" clothes pins. Especially useful in assembling smaller plastic kits, and holding small parts for painting. They also work well clamping small metal assemblies for soldering, as they don't act as heat sinks.