Full Version: Enough snow now ....
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Spent the morning digging a path from our back door across the porch to the back stairs again.

Having some snow again is nice, after many years of very little snow, but this is getting a bit ridiculous:

[Image: CIMG0087.jpg]

[Image: CIMG0086.jpg]

I need some tracks and a good rotary snowplow :-)

Looks a lot like Minnesota Stein! Goldth

Ralph Wrote:Looks a lot like Minnesota Stein! Goldth

Except it isn't 30 below and wind chill on top of that Goldth

Stein, who loves Minnesota in the summer, but have the sense to stay in Norway in the wintertime ....
I could relate to that but much of the snow has melted with the warm weather and rain Nope
Perhaps I should post photos of the flowers and hummingbirds in my yard... Cheers
nachoman Wrote:Perhaps I should post photos of the flowers and hummingbirds in my yard... Cheers

Flowers? I seem to remember flowers ;-)

Well, never so bad it isn't good for something. The kids decided that they would start on building an igloo. So all the snow cut into squared and heaped out of the way came in kind of handy ...
