Full Version: David's finally building his tank car
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The tin was mounted on the frame using the truck screws (extra-long 2-56 from my stock). The railings and brake wheel were added.
The catwalk and hatch were Gooed on as well. I ended up painting the ends with Floquil over a couple of coats of PollyScale and an unusable coat of Badger.
I started to add decals but the film broke so I stopped. Most of the dates were out of date and the other descriptions were inappropriate.
On the layout. The Car "exceeds Plate C" so much that it is rubbing on the backboard!

That looks pretty darn cool!
After I changed the axles the car just takes off on my 2% grade and runs. Without the can it coasts for ages unless the spigot runs into something.
I'm afraid that it will have to go on the On30 layout -- if we ever build that.
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