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All in favor of moving the trip to August say " EYE " All opposed say "Nay"
Eye! 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Misngth

At this point I'll say that our trip will be official postponed until August. So every one check your calenders and we'll come up with a new date..
I'm going to give this another try. August is almost here. I'm good for the 14/15 weekend. Any one want to shoot for those days for the EBT, horseshoe, Altoona trip.
I have another idea for August 14... Summerail!
e-paw Wrote:I'm going to give this another try. August is almost here. I'm good for the 14/15 weekend. Any one want to shoot for those days for the EBT, horseshoe, Altoona trip.
i'm still on
Here is something that might effect the decision: the Friends of the East Broad Top (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.febt.org">http://www.febt.org</a><!-- m -->) has a group of free tickets to give out to those who have never ridden the EBT. In addition, the EBT doesn't run during August. After their regular operating season, the next time they operate is the Fall Spectacular (which is, from what I understand, quite the show. They've got everything out and anything that is in operating condition is running)
I've got no problem with going to the fall spectacular.We just will have to see who else wants to go and if it works for them also.all interested just answer this thread
Well, I've ridden the EBT before, and visited several times over the years, but it's still one of my favourite spots. I'm not sure whether a big tourist show is my cup of tea, but I'd still be interested in visiting. My most enjoyable times spent there were when no trains were running, but some of the people doing the day-to-day work were around.

I was hoping to go to the Fall Spectacular this year anyways. Wanted to see that beautiful M-1 in action! Maybe even do a little research for a project coming up when I get around to it Icon_lol . It's EBT Combine #15, and I need some interior shots.

Also, if anyone is interested, the Friday of that weekend they are running a photo freight. I know I'd be interested in that.
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