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Hi everyone

i was thinking about buying one of those Ho scale Bachman Ballast Regulators. but was curious to see if anyone has one or has any experience with them before i got one. i would like to use it in conjunction with a ballast train i am currently working on. thanks very much for the help.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Bachmann+Ballast+Regulators&hl=en&rlz=1T4GGHP_enUS368US369&prmd=ivns&resnum=3&biw=1263&bih=517&wrapid=tlif12926395458191&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=4044149526239295663&ei=HB0MTYe-JMP38Abk07iQDg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CEEQ8wIwAA#">http://www.google.com/products/catalog? ... EEQ8wIwAA#</a><!-- m -->

Is this the one your talking about?
Thanks for the response e-paw. yes that is the one i am looking at getting.

They're pretty cool. They have a mid-mounted motor and drive the lead truck through a universal shaft. They pick up on all 8 wheels, and I've put DZ125 decoders in a couple of them. They run reasonably well, although the more weight you can squeeze into them, the better, since they're quite light.
Steve Priest had one on his layout and he added headlights, taillights, becons an operator and some other details to Americanize it. I was rather impressed and thought that if I was modeling a more modern time I would get one. I always wondered if it would be worth kit bashing one of the Bachmann ones with parts from Custom Finishings??? Has anyone tried that??
Thanks very much for all the help and advice on this. I think I am going to get it. the price is right., o nly $21.95, plus $5.95 shipping. its brand new in the box, and never ran.

I thought you might mean this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bachmann.co.uk/image_box.php?image=images1/branchline/38-210.jpg&cat_no=38-210&info=0&width=629&height=245">http://www.bachmann.co.uk/image_box.php ... height=245</a><!-- m -->
It was just reviewed in Model Rail so it was on my mind.
wow! thats an interesting piece of equipment. never saw that before.
Squidbait Wrote:They're pretty cool. They have a mid-mounted motor and drive the lead truck through a universal shaft. They pick up on all 8 wheels, and I've put DZ125 decoders in a couple of them. They run reasonably well, although the more weight you can squeeze into them, the better, since they're quite light.

Can someone tell me which tabs to which dcc wire? red, black, orange and grey? there are 4 tabs left to right from the long pick wires. How do they get wired on the decoder?
jcrellin0661 Wrote:Can someone tell me which tabs to which dcc wire? red, black, orange and grey? there are 4 tabs left to right from the long pick wires. How do they get wired on the decoder?

Have you got a multimeter? One with a continuity test function? That's how I figured out which was which... there's going to be one for each side pickup (black and red from the decoder) and one for each motor contact (grey and orange from the decoder). Which contact goes where, though? I don't remember, and the oh-so-helpful manual/picture/colouring book that comes with the thing doesn't tell you diddly.
I just tried it, and the Bachmann link in my post doesn't go anywhere useful, anymore. Shoot