Full Version: Where is Harold?
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All of his websites are gone... :cry:

I hope this is just temporary.
He last visited on December 23rd, last posted on November 19th. The server for his sites could have crashed, or be temporarily "offline". He also might be off for the holidays, with family or friends. If the site server is his, it could have been shut down while he was away. We'll keep a watch to see if he returns within the next couple of days.
Either he decided to scale back his internet activity to focus on modeling, or else he's in the kitchen cooking up something new. His interests have evolved over time, and so goes our hobby. I'm currently scaling back my internet time, focusing more on modeling.
I believe he had to change servers or ISP once before, without notice. Everything was down for a short while, and then he returned with all his old material, and some new too.
