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that is all looking amazing DR.J,kinda sucks your BF's warped so bad,you could try to clamp them between 2 pieces of steel then heating the 2 plates up.basically baking it straight again--josh
Thanks for the advice.
As you can see I'm using a copper plate (great conductor) and eight clamps. I've decided to use the same heat source that got me in this mess in the first place (the sun) and the blast furnace is getting a nice tan in my driveway. If it works, I'll apply to BF#2.

[Image: clamps.jpg]

I got tired of feeling sorry for myself over the pouring floor disaster, so I decided to do some track work. I have a track plan that did up using a track planning program, but it's not until you actually have some structures made that the track needs to interact with, that you find yourself doing some tweaking.

I posted a couple of pics of the trackwork servicing the blast furnaces. I've only tacked the track down so far, this way I know where to drill the holes for the power drops and the turn out point motors before gluing.

[Image: BFtrack.jpg]

[Image: twins.jpg]

One thing that I've now noticed is a barren triangle between the two BFs that I haven't accounted for... any ideas on what may live in here??

[Image: triangle.jpg]

BTW, I've been absolutely blown away by the likes of Val, dotorwayne and other steel modelers on this site, it's very inspirational to have access to such a talented and experience group.

hey Dr.J progress is looking good!!

Things that would be around the Blast Furnace's are:

Blower Engine House
Pump House
Broiler House
Mechanics Office
Locker and Washroom building

the area that you have looks pretty small so i dont think any large building would fit there, but the Mechanics Office and the Locker and Washroom building might work well there, or just one of them.... The others would go well on the outside of the tracks if you are looking for more stuff to model Thumbsup Misngth
you could also try a dorr thickener,thers a build thread of one on this site http://www.peachcreekshops.com/page.php?...steelarch6--josh
Thanks for the ideas, I've already accounted for most of those, but I do like the idea of a small office or workshop tucked in there.

TruchkLover, in your thread where you decribe your dream steel mill layout, you mention having a power station that is coalfired. I was thinking something similar, but I was thinking of basicaly combining the sintering/coke ovens with a power plant. In my lttle fantasy world, the process of creating coke would produce alot of waste gas, I figure this gas could be captured and used in a natural gas poer station (Northern Light and Power). COmbinnig the two kits would make a pretty sweet structure/complex.

I've also started work on my high line to feed the BFs. The high line will be entirely scratch built as it need to be 3 times as high and around 10-12 times longer than the silly little things that are included in the BF kit. I've scrounged up most of the materials I will use for it already... I've never scractch built anything before and this is goining to be a very large structure ( longer than the ore dock), so this may get interesting! Eek

DrGeologist Wrote:TruchkLover, in your thread where you decribe your dream steel mill layout, you mention having a power station that is coalfired. I was thinking something similar, but I was thinking of basicaly combining the sintering/coke ovens with a power plant. In my lttle fantasy world, the process of creating coke would produce alot of waste gas, I figure this gas could be captured and used in a natural gas poer station (Northern Light and Power). COmbinnig the two kits would make a pretty sweet structure/complex.

I had originally wanted to do a power plant using the Walthers Tre-State Power Authority and a few substation kits, but i just dont have enough room lol. Power Station Buildings are one thing that i have forgot to add in the plans. These Power Stations will be pretty much just small square buildings, with maybe a Walthers Sub-station with it. the Walthers Northern Light and Power would work perfectly for a smaller power plant on the site. The Tre-State would make a good large one, but i dont know if i have enough room to squeeze that one in there lol

I think that combining the coke oven and power plant sounds like a cool idea. In fact, that is what they do, they take some of the bi-product gases that are produced in the various process of steel making and turn them into power to power the HUGE buildings that make up a steel mill, so your idea would be good Thumbsup Thumbsup

DrGeologist Wrote:I've also started work on my high line to feed the BFs. The high line will be entirely scratch built as it need to be 3 times as high and around 10-12 times longer than the silly little things that are included in the BF kit. I've scrounged up most of the materials I will use for it already... I've never scractch built anything before and this is goining to be a very large structure ( longer than the ore dock), so this may get interesting! Eek

This is what i will have to do as well. Ill use the Highlines that come with the 4 furnaces as a start so i can build off of it from there lol. My highline is somewhere in the neighborhood of 180" lol
Quote:I think that combining the coke oven and power plant sounds like a cool idea. In fact, that is what they do, they take some of the bi-product gases that are produced in the various process of steel making and turn them into power to power the HUGE buildings that make up a steel mill, so your idea would be good

josh is right,they do use just about every weaste material that comes out of the mill for something,including power.and if your up for it you can run the "dirty" gas (which is gas straight from the oven or BF) and run it through a series of gas cleaners.which are essentially cylindrical tubes run in series to each other filtering the gas.they seem easy enough to build and add quite a bit of piping and railings for visual interest.--josh
Josh, that is looking just great so far!!! Keep us posted on your progress.

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