Full Version: 12/17/2011 -- Big Blue 3rd anniversary….
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........ or: Yes, we survived the terrible Two’s!!! (barely)

Well, here we are again, another year has passed and we’re looking forward to another Holiday Season and another New Year. We come here to relax, enjoy and hide from the stresses of real life. We never tire of reading the great posts and seeing the fine pictures that are posted, but most of all, we look forward to just hanging out with our friends. We continue to be excited and humbled at the high level of camaraderie and good demeanor of all our members and staff. As in past years, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone involved with Big Blue. It’s been a great ride, and we look forward to having yet another sensational year with more of the same.

This concludes our two-year (ten, if we go back to the formation of the original Gauge) anniversary celebration. Well, almost, we’ve had a few hitches in our HO car tour, but it is now back underway, a bit late, but underway for sure. We still plan to hold an auction once the tour is completed, so keep your eye out for that.

So far, we are proving that with a great member base, an Ad-Free Bulletin Board can survive on donations from members and a few auctions throughout the year and some great technical support from our technical guru and server host: Path. Thank you sir for another technically flawless year. Thumbsup

Please don’t forget that we still need contributions throughout the year. We are grateful for those of you that have donated; we ask that you contribute what you can, and only if you can. Our board is open to everyone regardless. We have vowed to stay free of ads or sponsors that dictate how we run our forums, but for those active members that have a small business, we do allow you to offer your products and services for a very nominal fee, in our Yellow Page forum. It is our way of controlling the “for sale” ads in our Marketplace forums.

Thanks again for making this for Big Blue, another successful year. We wish you all the best for the coming holidays. We hope you all have the merriest Christmas ever, and every success in the coming New Year…. Big Grin

Mikey (ngauger)
Don (ezdays)
administrators and co-owners of
The Big Blue Train Forums, aka, the-gauge.net