Full Version: silk purse / sows ear as it were
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Sounds like that was a good deal , Mike .

I should probably take some of my own advice ..........while in tha car business , if there was an impass over a customers trade in , I would ask " what would you pay for it if you saw it for sale ?" .................................

...so, I guess I would pay about $50 for it ,so I'll use that as a starting point . I just know that the early resin kits were " quality challenged " , but it did take a bunch of work to bring it around .

If I were going to "make a silk purse"..... I'd have to start with several caterpillars.
If I were going to start with a sow's ear? ..... The best I could hope for would be a "nylon" purse.
Still, there's always the temptation to start with something cheap and almost useless, and turn it into something else, that's a thing of beauty.
That's just the nature of this hobby. 2285_ 2285_
Then there's the fee for all the pleasure and fun you had doing the modelling -- do we charge you $15 an hour or only 5?
...Geez , my money is disappearing faster than you can say " esquesing and chinguacousy " Misngth

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