Full Version: Modeling Garbage/Trash Truck help
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There's going to be a small rail served garbage transfer facility on my layout and im trying to gather a few garbage trucks together. Can anyone tell me if theres any type of kit (built or not) or close enough without major modifications for garbage transfer trailers...
[Image: 5321536197_a10498f5db_z.jpg]
and the same for New York City sanitation trucks
[Image: 1843.jpg]
Walthers has some European models that could be modified by replacing the cab.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.walthers.com/exec/search?category=Vehicles&scale=H&manu=&item=&keywords=garbage+truck&words=restrict&instock=Q&split=30&Submit=Search">http://www.walthers.com/exec/search?cat ... mit=Search</a><!-- m -->



Check <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.3000toys.com/catalog/item_detail.aspx?itemfind=BOLEY3016-99">http://www.3000toys.com/catalog/item_de ... LEY3016-99</a><!-- m --> it looks like Walthers has taken over the Boley 1/87 International trucks, but Boley also did GMC trucks that are still out there, but not Walthers. However, specific prototypes of garbage trailers or trucks would be a bash.
For the transfer trailer im going to mess around with these 2 Athearn kits and see how they come out
[Image: KGrHqNhcE-mSDQscvBPvVo08VSg60_3.jpg]

For the NYC garbage trucks i found this kit from Kirbi but seem to be sold out every where i looked, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/405-15010">http://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/405-15010</a><!-- m -->. I'll settle with the trailers for now since I have 2 or 3 other projects ive already started that i want to finish first, ill try to post some updates as i go along.