Full Version: larger boundry between avatar and post
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In the area for avatar,joined date etc.. Is it possible to move the "start of line ?" a couple of spaces to the left, to create a larger divide between that information, and the "start of line" of the posted text? There appears to be only one character space between, right now, and there seems to be room to the left that could be used. Kind of like adjusting margins in print preview?
One thing I've asked Pat to look at is to cut down on the space that "Joined:..." takes up. If we cut down the day and time and just leave the month and year, we would have more space on that side.
I was wondering about that.
Why do we need the time we joined anyway?
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:I was wondering about that.
Why do we need the time we joined anyway?
Nope, I would be happy with just the month and year, just like we had before.
Does it not have a text wrap setting? Compare the two post above as examples.

(and mine) Shoot
Cut it down more to a simple 01/01/09 style. There's a lot of wasted space used by the avatar/info block.

A smaller forced width should simply make large text lines like location wrap to a 2nd line as well.