Full Version: Building the Brick Freight House by Monster Model
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I have had this kit since June and it went straight to the top of my RR priority list, which is separate and secondary to my miniature painting priority list. However, this week I needed a break from painting small Sci/Fi guys so I grabbed this one off the shelf. Here's a quick picture of the current progress (without the roof though). I am following the kit instructions pretty closely but I'm not happy with the initial result of the painting process they described. I'll mess around with that aspect a bit more before I move to much farther along.
[Image: BFH.dullcote.2.jpg]

You can find more pictures on by blog: http://wargamesandrailroads.blogspot.com...build.html
Re: the painting results; Jimmy has described his approach on the Scotty Mason podcast as very effective. The photos I've seen weren't quite what I was expecting given the description. I'll be interested to see your final results, and thoughts on working with his brick. I have a couple sheets that I bought out of curiosity, and it is quite fascinating.

For anyone not familiar with it, check out the Monster Model Works website - the brick sheets are laser cut / etched and the detail is quite good.


There are various ways to get a mortar effect, none of which is completely good. When I finish the basic mortar, I also dust the whole surface with rust and brick colored chalk and then seal the surface with flat finish. Sometimes I also go over that with a thin wash of Polly Scale Oily Black.
I didn't have a chance this last week to work much more with the mortar lines. So the kit is still sitting around as seen in the photos. I'll definitely go back and dust the brick with more powder just to get a little better variety in the brick color. I need to hit the Monster Model forums and see what useful information can be gleaned from there.
Dry-brushing with the brick colour will "fix" this to some extent, but in my opinion it does not look bad. Sometimes the white effect is caused by using an alcohol wash over DullCote. It can be reversed by applying more DullCote over top. (Don't ask how I know this Wink 35 ).
