Full Version: What's your excuse for not going into our Chat room?
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"by MountainMan ยป Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:18 pm
Nothing substantive is being discussed."

That also can be true. Wink Smile
Sumpter250 Wrote:Even with that, there are occasional misunderstandings of what I meant, because of the words I chose, and/or the absence of "vocal expression" to color in the complete intention of the comment.
I do however use Skype because there is the video connection and I don't have to type. For the same reason I can't understand texting on a cell phone.
I have no problems with using a forum or email, but I have better things to do than sit around telling folks via texts how much air I am breathing in. I don't want people texting me. If you have something you would like to tell me, email me, or call me. We had a young girl killed on the road in front of our house. The girl that hit her car head on was texting. She had been in a wreck 3 weeks earlier caused by her texting. This time a child lost a mother, and this girl goes to prison for a maximum of 6 months. (life is cheap here).
We have become too reliant on cell phones. I have one and I use it for traveling and long distance. I never have used all my minutes but I think it is worth the monthly fee because of its flexibility. I even belong to the AAA so if I need a tire changed guess who will do it. Goldth
Pete you don't har to worry about speed or misunderstanding
I remember on "old blue" when chat was busy every night starting around 9:30 most nights..

We had a lot of fun back then.
I can not typr fast enough or even spell well enough, and mostly have been too busy to be on 3 forums and chat 35 Icon_lol I do not go to CTT or OGR forums but still read the magazines.
Nobody is in there during the day when I'm on the computer.
The bottom line is that YOU HAVE TO SIGN IN.

I strongly suspect that a lot of you all see "Chat [0]" amd sit there like "oh, no one is online". Half the time, when I sign in randomly and just wait, a person is along in a few minutes. the moment 2 or more people are in the room, suddenly people shuffle in.

The worst case scenario is that no one shows up, you sign off after you're done making your posts, and thats it. Atleast if you sign on, people know you're there.
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