Full Version: insulating small wire splices
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I am in the process of wiring some turnouts on my layout and am using four strand telephone wire to power them. At times I found it necessaryto splice these wires together. Since they are about a # 16 or #18 wire guage, I soldered the splices and taped the splices to insulate them from each other. I then arrived at the Idea to take the insulation from #12 or #14 household wire and use it instead of electrical tape. Before I twisted this insulation over each wire strand I would brush on some Instant Glue and this would hold the 'household' insulation in place.
Good tip, telephone wire is small enough to do this. I've always used shrink tubing for this type of splice, but this sounds a lot easier than getting the old heat gun out. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Interesting idea. Thanks.
I find that Liquid Electrical Tape is very handy...


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