Full Version: Vacuum Cleaner is away - Building a G scale Oval
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Notice that the wood roadbed is now in place. Big Grin Big Grin I had the template for the curves saved from when I built the last layout and used it to cut the curves out of a 1 X 12 X 8. I then painted all the wood and painted an additional 1 X 6 X 8 to cut down to make joiners that are used to splice the wood sections together.

The splice wood plates are under the half section of straight track to the left of the last picture. Also, you can see the 2 layers of wood under the 2 cars on the siding.



I will only be running light trains down here, so the gaps should be fine as far as shifting wood Smile Smile Each corner will get a small spacer piece to help out with anyone (like me) standing on the track. Yes, you can actually stand on this track. It's Aristo Craft indoor/outdoor track. And i highly recommend it to anyone, every chance I get Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
So, that's how I'm spending my weekend... I've been off since Thursday and I really would rather run trains Monday than go to work Smile Smile
I like my job!! It gives me money to buy MORE train stuff!!!! Icon_lol
And here are a few overall pics of the layout:



and one showing the new floor section:

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