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Hello every one figured id drop in and pass off my information and tell you we were one of the effected people out of the 250 in my area and we suffered 1-2 inches of water on first floor and basement a total loss. With that said i managed to save over 3000$ worth of locomotives and a few books, other than that lost my dcc system and the layout. Sigh more rain on the way.......
Very sorry to hear about that Harry. It has been a hard year for weather. Best wishes to you and your friends and neighbors.
Oh man...That stinks...!!

Sorry to hear about that...Hopefully some other things or parts of the layout can be salvaged once things dry out...
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope the water will do no permanent damage to the structure and floors and walls will dry soon. Good luck!
Ouch! I know that feeling all to well..I too was flooded out in the great '07 Bucyrus flood..

Best to you my friend and a speedy recovery...
Sorry to hear that. Property and possessions can be replaced or restored, but you and your loved ones cannot. It's good that everyone is safe.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Been there and done that myself. Doesn't matter if the rooms dry out - they are ruined. Mold and mildew in the walls, damaged electrical circuits, damaged insulation...it's a long list.

On the bright side of things - I guess, depending on your feelings - you get to do another layout! Thumbsup There were probably things you wish you could have changed, right? I'm always finding some when I work.

At least you and your family are safe, and that's by far the most important thing.
Thanks for all your thoughts and our adjuster qouted us at 79k coverage so all shall be good i think lol, for now i am working on a 3ft by 6ft n scale layout (design) for now.
Seems to be a lot of flooding around North America this year for some reason . Sorry to hear of your water issues up there ....hope you get things turned around soon .

Sorry to hear about your losses Harry, hopefully things will get better soon. Last year half the country was in a drought, guess Mother Nature is trying to make up for that this year. The ol' feast or famine story.