I put a Champ decal on my Bowser L-1 tender last night and today I found it drifted a bit

. I want to remove it. I have not sealed it yet and I set it on a gloss finish. Does anyone have any tips that will remove it without damaging the finish???
if you haven't applied solvent to the decal just put a little water on it and it will refloat. Give it a few minutes.
Thanks for the advice Charlie. Was able to refloat decal in place.
That's an easy one.....A lesson learned. are you using a decal solvent once they are applied in the proper location? If you aren't they won't look right. If you have never used the solvent I just use a few drops diluted with distilled water. You have to use it sparingly and let it work. Too much solvent will make the decal crinkle. After they are dry and set spray clear over the model. Gloss if you want but most use dull coat after the decal application. (gloss before)
Generally, I glosscoat the surface I'm putting the decal on first. When I apply the decal I add a few drops of water to help slide the decal in place. The I'll soak up some of the extra water(if any) with a little piece of paper towel. Then, I'll add some diluted Slovaset. Then let it dry. If decal doesn't more Slovaset I'll apply a nice coat of dullcoat.
In the above case, it was about a year since I last put decals on something. And I used some diluted Solvaset to set the decal from the beginning and was afraid the decal really set in, but with a little patient work with water I was able to refloat the decal. It usually takes me a little while to remember my steps on some things if I hadn't done them in a while
