Full Version: Bachmann Standard DCC disassembly
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I have a new HO DCC GP40 that I need to get apart. For the life of me, I can't seem to find the combination. Any help would be appreciated.
I've always found that the bigger the hammer the easier things come apart Goldth

See this PDF diagram: http://www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/d..._IS001.PDF From what I'm able to find out by searching the Internet and looking at this diagram, it appears that you must pull the fuel tank casting off the metal frame, then remove two screws in order to free the body shell. Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, that's what I thought. I'll try again.
I've got a Bachmann GP35 that I believe is constructed similarly. Indeed carefully pull of the fuel tank, then screws will be exposed to remove the shell.
(Depending on the pilots it will help removing the couplers first too)

Got it! Thanks.
Probably adding to the difficulty is the fact that Bachmann likes to glue its body shells to the frames for some reason. I had this problem with the Acela express and HHP8 locomotives they sell. It is already hard enough removing the shell (especially on the HHP8), I don't know why they thought they needed to glue the shell too.