Full Version: Some pictures of Deutschbahning
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Some pictures of my German prototype stuff:

[Image: dsc0488868sbu.jpg]
Taken behind the iron curtain: A DR (DDR Reichsbahn) class 50.35

[Image: dsc04889i7sk8.jpg]
Another class 50.35 (sorry for the bad photo, but it was sometimes not a easy task to mde photos of Railroads in the DDR)

[Image: dsc04885w1sil.jpg]
Typical DR rolling stock.

This is staged West Germany in the late 1950's:
[Image: dsc06767jxsfv.jpg]

[Image: dsc06768fis9v.jpg]

[Image: dsc06769ovsef.jpg]

[Image: dsc06847sbsm5.jpg]

[Image: dsc06775g0szz.jpg]

[Image: dsc06770hisv5.jpg]
Autobahn scene

[Image: dsc06766s1szg.jpg]
Waiting at the loading dock.

This is simply my US prototype layout and just for fun filled with some of my German rolling stock and vehicles. None of it is like out of the box.
