Full Version: Dude...Where's My EMag?
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It's been awhile since we've had a EMag. A couple of you have inquired about coming up with another issue.
So.....We are!
Now if you are new to Big Blue, and are asking "What's an EMag?", there are links in the Upper Berth area that have some past issues. Have a read, and enjoy.

So..Here are the rules.....Oh I forgot, anyone can submit an article.

1. This is the big one. Nothing pornograghic, sexual explicit, actual or inferred. This is a family oriented forum. You have to ask yourself when submitting: "Do I want my kids reading this?" If one gets submitted, it gets deleted.
2. Articles must be railroad, railfan or model railroad related. Articles on rail history, a railfan trip, modeling project or review.
3. Everyone gets in.

How to submit an article:
Make sure you add picture to your articles, lots of pictures if possible. And don't worry if you can't write. I will edit, fluff and expand on them.

Add a place where you want your pictures in the article. Use this format when writing your article. Number your picture in the order you want them in your article.
It's a little known fact the Central New England not only had 4-4-0 American type locomotives, but 2-6-0 Consolidations also roamed the rails through the Litchfield Hills of Connecticut
(Caption)Here we see a Consolodation, taking a break at East Cannan station.

Send your articles and pictures in a separate email.
Title the email: EMag Article, and EMag Pictures. Make sure you do, or else the article will, and they have, been deleted.

Email article to me at: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:eightyeightfan_99@yahoo.com">eightyeightfan_99@yahoo.com</a><!-- e -->.

Here are some article ideas
Railroad History
Railfan Trip or Museum
Favorite Railfan spot
Product Review
Modeling Project

All articles should be submitted before Sunday, September 14th
And as always...Everyone gets in.
Can we submit video articles...
Hmmm.....Good idea, but sorry to say No.
We convert the EMag to a PDF format for those who'd like to print it out and read it away from their computers.
Hard to print a video.
Even with all of todays tecno-gadets, i.e iPhones, tablets, not everyone here on the boards have one. Some are still on dial-up and don't even possess wi-fi.

So right now anyway....pictures and written word. If you'd like to add a link, or website to your article where folks can visit, or view a video later, that is fine.
I assume it's too late to submit????
scubadude Wrote:I assume it's too late to submit????

Give it your best shot, there's still a lot of time left before we put this edition together.
I'm new(ish) to the forum , will there be another E mag in the future ?
will the E Mag be readable to all forum members ?

thank you
mr bachmann Wrote:I'm new(ish) to the forum , will there be another E mag in the future ?
will the E Mag be readable to all forum members ?

thank you

You can check out past issues in this thread: http://bigbluetrains.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5732

All eMags are posted in PDF format and can be downloaded.
I've only received one article so far.
I'm going to extend the deadline(no pun intended) to November 15th. With hopefully, a New Year release.
Hmmmmm,,,,, wonder who it was???
I sent you something today....
Got it. Thanks.
Did the EMag ever come out???? If it did I missed it, is there a link to it if that's the case?