Full Version: Anyone making and selling Fast track N Scale turnouts?
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Anyone have a lead to someone making and selling code 40 or 55 Fast Track turnouts using their jgs for #8 or #10. I want to construct a N-Scale ISL and would like to use code 40 ME track but cannot justify the price of buying a FT Jig for $210 when I only need 9 turnouts...

I have a #10 C55 Jig. I can sell the jig and point form Tool for a somewhat lower-than-fast tracks cost.

Be advised, I live in Denmark, postage is not super-cheap....

:mrgreen: Ideally I'd like to get the code40 jig or someone with one who has the time to build a few #6 or #8, turns out #10 will be too long for what I need.

What would you need for the code 50 FT Jig?
Taken to PM's