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Pages: 1 2
teejay Wrote:.....everyone see the " Mea Cuppa " sign for the coffee shop ? Neat ! I like the 3 dimentional coffee cup too , as on old signage .


Speaking of signage, we had a Buick skylark(68) we had when I was a kid it was blue and white, where did you find the sign of the Buick skylark?
I like a good pun. The coffee cup came from Google images. As for the Skylark sign, I simply Googled topics like Billboards from the 1960's or advertisements from the 60's...that sort of thing.
For a butcher shop , you could add " We Meat Your Needs " ..........hey , I'm in the groove ! Worship

The Coffee Shop sign could also have been "Mea Gulpa". :o Wink 357 357
...then there's " Hair Today , Gone Tomorrow " , for the local barber . Goldth

In the city, we have a Hairdresser called "The Head Gardener"
There's a chain of oriental restaurants called "Ho Lee Chow".
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