Full Version: Trekkies bow your heads, Leonard Nimoy has passed away.
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Lonard Nimoy passed away this morning from COPD. While I'm not a die hard Trekkie, I do appreciate it's value to TV and pop culture as well as the ideas that led to future gadgets (flip & smart phones, body scanning, etc). It must be weird to be an icon to those who were fans of the show and those who were not. I wonder if Big Bang Theory will do a tribute.
The crew of USS Kodiak NCC 6000

Celebrate your Long and Prosperous life, and mourn your passing.
Starfleet will miss you, be at peace, Spock.
Does he get a 21 phazer salute ?

Yes, I was saddened to read about that. A pity that the Genesis Planet isn't real....
A fascinating man. He will be missed.
I always enjoyed his portrayal of Spock...serious and humorous. I heard that Nimoy sometimes felt limited by the role but then grew to embrace it. Glad he did. Spock is an iconic character. Thanks Leonard. Rest in Peace.
I am not what you would consider to be a "Trekie", I did watch numerous tv episodes as a young lad, so I note with some sadness the passing of the legendary "Mr Spock", he of the pointed ears and wise counsel. I enjoyed seeing him in numerous documentaries usually space related, and I particularly enjoyed seeing him in The Simpsons "X-Files" episode as the narator.
Live long and prosper Mr Spock, we will miss you.
The movie character Mr. Spock is very famous in Germany too.
I did not know anything about the actor. Rest in peace.
I always thought that the story of the Vulcan salute was interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulcan_salute.
Mike Kieran Wrote:I always thought that the story of the Vulcan salute was interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulcan_salute.
Very interesting reading. Did not know the gesture has so much background.