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The Summit H0 KFC Restaurant kit arrived today http://www.summit-customcuts.com/kfc.html.

This is all you get in plastic bag:
[Image: IMG_4080_zpsmptozwdy.jpg]

They have no three-dimensional molds but it is all laser cut styrene. Only some tilde are engraved in the otherwise plain white surfaces.

The marginal low quality print black & white instructions are not very helpful to get the trim strips right.
[Image: IMG_4081_zpsm194dwmq.jpg]

The US price is about $80 and the German retail price is close to 100€ about the same inclusive 19% VAT.

An interesting kit of a modern structure of a $25 value..... Sad

An unpleasant surprise:
The milky main walls are not made from styrene. All my styrene glue does not work at all. It is like water on iron.
I found "Pattex Special" (made by Henkel) is a glue that works. It is mix of the usual styrene glue and CA glue.
I've always been hesitant about these kits, I don't know enough about them. I wanted the shell gas station but I don't see a lot of people using them plus the price. They look great built on their website though.
When I first saw this line of kits I was quite impressed with the fact they were modern buildings.Then I saw one of the kits up close and personal.If he reduced the price to what they are worth I might consider buying some.But there is no way I would pay his prices for these kits.By the way they are advertised (or used to be) as being laser cut styrene.
Perhaps part of their 'problem' is the fact they may have to pay license fees to the companies which they model.
I'd consider it free advertising, but some may charge for the use of their logos etc.

Still, they are expensive and for that reason I've not bought one yet.
Catt Wrote:.....Then I saw one of the kits up close and personal.....
I wish I would... Anyhow, that is the reason why I am posting a photo of the content of the kit and the instruction sheet. I hope it helps others to make their decision.
Old and new side by side
[Image: IMG_4082_zpsnnnkylqy.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4083_zpsupisiusu.jpg]
Thanks a lot, Reinhard: now I'm hungry! Misngth

The completed building (the air condition on the roof is not included).
[Image: IMG_4087_zpstgn1lkmx.jpg]

I have to admit that the kit is not bad but somewhat different from injection molded styrene I prefer. I found it more complicate to assemble than typical Cornerstone kits. All parts are plain white. It might be a problem to get the right paint f they are given like the KFC dark read..

I "guess" the kit is made in the USA from a small company (Summit). They do not have the volume and funds to either install their own injection molding factory or to contract with a mayor player in China. A laser cutter is within reach for that kind of small company. With the domestic US cost (or any west European country) and the low volume of a startup is the sales price quite understandable.
Taking that assumption into account is the kit an adequate offer.
It came out quite nice I think. Thanks for sharing your experiences building this.
Reinhard,thank you for the information about that type of kits....the proce is very high for it....But the result si looking great....

You did a great job with this kit.
Nice build! The Colonel would approve!
Reinhard, I can smell the chicken!! Looking good. Do you ever go to KFC over there?