Full Version: Detailing Atlas Centerbeam cars
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I attempted to detail a couple of Atlas center partition cars, I got a lumber load off eBay and some silverish grey button thread to simulate cables from a craft store. It took me all day to complete and think they came out pretty good.
[Image: image.jpg2_zpsb8gkbcwa.jpg]
[Image: image.jpg1_zpsfam0irz2.jpg]
Nice looking cars sir. Thumbsup Thumbsup
You'll certainly want to get the second one loaded, to hide all the decrepitude on the centre beam!
Very nice! Thumbsup If I may as a observation. Should watch the rust though.. The majority of the CBs I see doesn't have all that much rust.
This picture was used for reference [Image: image.jpg1_zpsh115zcze.jpg]
No problem. I've seen rusty CBs but,the majority had standard weathering like grime and spots of rust. Come to think of it I haven't seen that many true rust buckets in years. I recall seeing a old white Soo Line gon had rust along the ribs and was grimy every where else.
Looks great. If you want a really realistic strap try get dental floss (flat one) and paint it black, perfect for replicating straps and gets really tight!