Way back at the dawn of time, Model Railroder suggested Strathmore board as a better quality cardboard (compared to Bristol board?) . I used to get sheets of it, in 3 and 5 ply versions.
The local art store does not have this now, although they have a range of Strathmore products. Any ideas for a modern replacement, or whatever they sell it as now?
I could never find here in Windsor at art stores ....had to go to Detroit . Check on line at Dick Blick and similar sites .
Hi David,
Strathmore is a brand name for various art papers.
Most Bristol Board that you can get at Wally World or Dollar Stores is a little flimsy and too glossy.
Generically speaking, I think that you would be satisfied with Cardstock paper. You can get it in various weights from 60, 80, 100, 110 and 140lbs or their metric equivalence.
Another option for heavier thickness would be Matting Paper.
Try DeSerres <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.deserres.ca/en-CA/">http://www.deserres.ca/en-CA/</a><!-- m -->
, Michaels <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.michaels.com/">http://www.michaels.com/</a><!-- m -->
or Staples <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.staples.ca/">http://www.staples.ca/</a><!-- m -->
My art supply store sells various thicknesses of Mat board that I have used with good results. Depending on how much you need, you may be able to get small scrap pieces for free if you ask at a framing store.
Thank you all. I'll have a look while we're over across the border.
As mentioned, matteboard might work, although I think that all of the various thicknesses are quite a bit more than any Strathmore. The pieces which I have on-hand are mostly about .060" thick, but there are some around .050" and .070", too.
David, have you tried Currys, in Hamilton? They usually stock a pretty-good selection of illustration- and matteboard, and may have
Strathmore, too. I'd guess that might be the Bristol Sheets shown in the link.