Sometimes I have too much free time and too many spare parts1

This is G gauge and is used on a push button layout for the kids down at the museum. The cab is from a LGB Porter, the drive is out of a LGB self propelled tender, the boiler is from a Lionel 0-27 tank car. The cowcatcher was scratchbuilt by Rob Watson a friend who also works at the museum. The other things like the smoke stack, steam whistle, air horns, muffler, exhaust pipe and other details are from the junk box or scratched. It runs very well but because it's used on a push button layout it has to be DC and does not have sound. We call it a stesiel !

Looks like a fun thing Mike, we need more of this kind of builds.
Thanks guys! Charlie here is a doodle bug type built on a Thomas the Tank engine drive. Thomas was dropped on the floor and the body was busted but the drive still worked so...........

The body was a Lionel O-27 Pennsy heavyweight observation car with a bunch of detail parts from the scrap box. This was posted here awhile back I think.
The doodlebug is really something. What gauge is the track, I am assuming it is O 3 rail....My kid (51 yrs old and avid Lionel collector) will like this.
Sorry Charlie, I shoulda said it is Lionel 3-rail O gauge. Here are a few more O gauge 3 railer's. These are all transformer controlled with no sound, some have working headlights.
Well Mike, I think you are very entertaining. The kids would get a real bang out of these at a show
As I said before Charlie it's just a case of too much free time and too many junk parts!

Tyson Rayles Wrote:As I said before Charlie it's just a case of too much free time and too many junk parts!

They say that too much free time can be a dangerous thing, I'm not sure if you've proved or disproved that theory... :geek:
Really great and entertaining....

Some great ideas there. Too much of anything can be bad for you.
However, I don't think that pertains to scratchbuilding