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In Ft Wingate Army Depot , while working last week.

[Image: DSCN0941-800.jpg]

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WHOLLY SMOKES MIKE Eek , its an FM! 2285_ , YOU have just slap MADE MY DAY! :mrgreen:
Excellent! What a great find!
Great looking engine Thumbsup and it looks like it is kept up pretty well.
That looks like an FM to me . looks like it has had a lot of TLC. Nice work and a good find.
Very nice looking FM 12-44..Seems to be in excellent shape.
Mike - Great find! Looks like it's got less miles on it than the hogger ! Is it still in regular use, or just holding the track down ? Thought that white vehicle in the back was the MPs, coming to get you ! Always nice to see a diesel near as old as me - thanks for taking the pic and the time. Bob C
Thanks Guys , She is no longer in use . Word is the last time was around 1997. It looks as if it would run with some help.
There is literally NO vandelisum on it. The other word is it was sold to Albuquerque. I tried to get the Las Cruces depot to buy it but they dragged their feet too long.
