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We've been using the Chat Room for a while now.. A few of us think it's time to set up a "Formal" Chat night... (Thanks LiveSteamer)

It seems that most of us are able to get in there on Sunday nights, from 10 - 11 PM Eastern Time so we'll start with that...

Everyone that would like to chat with each other "real time" try to be there.. If you can't make it Sunday nights, A few of us are oline most every night at the same times...
How about some times. Sunday night where you are could be Monday morning for some. Icon_lol Icon_lol For example, as of this morning, we here in Arizona are three hours behind you, right up there with the folks in California for the whole summer. Eek
Oops - edited in the times LOL

from 10 - 11 PM Eastern Time

I havnt been in the chat room so much lately lol. I need to fix that :oops:

Hi Guys,
I'm having problems getting into the chat room, everytime that I login to the chat room, I get returned to the login page. 35 Can you please help me ?

Cheers, Simon
Enable cookies for the gauge.net and use Internet explorer.. the only other thing would be up update your flash program
People forgetting about the chat 219
I was there earlier - noone else was Sad I'll try to be on tonight