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Recall on my car keeping me very close to home. Car could just quit and fail to restart. Not a good idea in the upper midwest.

Got Honda recall for engine stalls, not been notified. Have no choice but to keep driving.

Just a quick "HI" today....
Just a quick hi from me too. Train work half day. 
Battling a cold. Feel like crap. Later.

Got laundry and Christmas stuff to put away. Everyone is welcome to come over and help. Busy day, see ya all later... Stooges8uq
Housework day. I get to vacuum the rugs as it's within my skill set.
Still battling a cold. Feel better for a while then feel worse again. All I can do is ride it out.

It is miserable raw day. Started out as snow, then switched over to sleet, and now cold rain. The wife and I were supposed to get our RSV shoots but she did not feel comfortable walking in the cold slippery mess. I did drive to the grocery store and that was an adventure.
By the time this cold is over I could be a stunt double for Rudolph.

Cold but no snow.
good morning, all.
hi all. not too much going on too cold.
Big Blue was down for a while this morning, but it's good now. Thank Duffy (Pat) for that.

Jim is right, very cold for southern Arizona, it's below zero up north and I guess a lot of that is blowing our way.
Funeral is over. Difficult day.


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