Full Version: Hobby vaccuum? Sure....
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I've been a bit irritated by the amount of leafy refuse that's been falling off my trees and shrubs and ending up on the roads of White Haven.  I thought about buying a hobby vac, but never ran into one that I thought was work the expenditure and still has the ability to extend into arm-deep scenery.

What I really decided I wanted was the power of my shop vac with a small, semi-rigid snout that I could extend.  Rummaged through my workshop and found some discarded water supply line.  Stuck it in the Shop Vac, applied the painter's tape.  Tried it out, and works like a charm.

I have a commercial set which includes a conical diameter reduction piece and assorted small pipes and brushes.
I put a piece of screen over the pipe at the big end. This catches any large debris (like people) and often gives me a pile of mixed scenery material.
Nice! Bet I paid less.....