Full Version: Did you hear a Phila Trolley jumped the tracks............
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Did you hear a Phila Trolley jumped the tracks, hit an SUV, then crashed into a historical building?


The Trolley was being worked on by a SEPTA mechanic.  It got away and started down the tracks and when it got to a curve, it kept going straight...
I note that it was running away backwards.
British signalmen have a code for this -- Train running away on the wrong line.
(07-30-2023, 06:56 PM)BR60103 Wrote: [ -> ]I note that it was running away backwards.
British signalmen have a code for this -- Train running away on the wrong line.

Which, of course, begs the question:

Does it happen that often?
I think it happened either with couplings breaking (back when they were just steel chain) or not enough brakes applied.

There was also a code for Train running away on the right line. Just to let them know if it was going with or against the traffic.
A mechanic was working on the car and it started up, the controls were disabled with it was being repaired. It made it around the first set of curved and accelerated down the street, and was traveling to fast to negotiate the curves at the next intersection.