Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - Printable Version

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RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-04-2024

Next is adding the top floor.

[Image: 5y0hP6j.jpg]

[Image: Zy1PK46.jpg]

[Image: srd0U68.jpg]

[Image: VqI4Ar0.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-04-2024

Add the roofs.

[Image: AAEbLE3.jpg]

Begin adding the fire escapes

[Image: nABV8fa.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - LiveSteamer - 03-04-2024

I really wish I could have these big buildings on the layout I'm planning. It's all just going to be small houses and small building for me.

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-09-2024

I added the roof details such as vents, elevator shed, water tower, roof access shed. With those the building is now finished.

The front view.

[Image: DVnTSLN.jpg]

The right side.

[Image: vxWtq4x.jpg]

The rear.

[Image: 6a4DHDt.jpg]

The left side.

[Image: kK5jLtX.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-09-2024

Here is the Ambassador Hotel and a possible location on the layout.

[Image: aj6kZUn.jpg]

[Image: G74SE1x.jpg]

Next up is adding some streets.

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - LiveSteamer - 03-11-2024

The city scene is looking great Tom.

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - hillyard999 - 03-12-2024

That is a handsome building, Tom.
Looks great with your other structures.
Really gives an impression of "downtown big city".
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your build.

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-13-2024

hillyard999 Thanks.

Now it s time to do some roads. For this I am going to try Walthers Cornerstone Asphalt Street System.

[Image: OqIsREj.jpg]

Building a roadway section.

[Image: Rc9loCY.jpg]

[Image: 47QzLqn.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-13-2024

Begin placing the sections on the layout.

[Image: y7PvAfO.jpg]

[Image: HE7ujLk.jpg]

[Image: KXRsacc.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-13-2024

Adding sidewalk.

[Image: 9D47FPJ.jpg]

[Image: 2Vt0X0z.jpg]

[Image: 7782mDx.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - Schraddel - 03-14-2024

Thank you Tom,

your pictures solved a mystery for me. Ever questioned me what is inside the package of the street elements and how do they look in real.

Looking on your photos and in my mind, biased by too much Hollywood B-movies, i hear a yelling police car siren in the urban canyons...
Later there must be a police cruiser, absolutely. Otherwise, in my eyes, the scenery is not complete (my personal suggestion).

And Tom, it looks already great: Applause 


RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - BR60103 - 03-14-2024

I have a packet of the brick street system. Maybe it's time for me to see where it will fit.

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-14-2024

(03-14-2024, 04:38 AM)Schraddel Wrote: Looking on your photos and in my mind, biased by too much Hollywood B-movies, i hear a yelling police car siren in the urban canyons...
Later there must be a police cruiser, absolutely. Otherwise, in my eyes, the scenery is not complete (my personal suggestion).


I already have the police car. Just need the right time to release it.

[Image: ZrTv2LO.jpg]

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - LiveSteamer - 03-19-2024

Great work Tom.

RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - tompm - 03-20-2024

Thanks Matt.

Due to location of Union Station's platforms having a grade crossing near them is not aa good idea. Instead of the grade crossing I will need a grade separation. Getting road under the tracks is going to require some thought. In the real world the PRR lowered many roads under the tracks or built a roadway bridge over the tracks. I feel a bridge over the tracks won't work here. That leaves going under the tracks. However there is not enough room to get a reasonable grade on the road in the space available. This became a dilemma. After some thought I looked at the real world where a auto tunnel went under buildings. I came across the Spring Garden Street tunnel under the Philadelphia Art Museum. The tunnel was built for the Route 43 trolley. When the trolley was converted to bus the tunnel became an automobile tunnel.

[Image: jHxtCtM.jpg]

[Image: uUoMZAE.jpg]