RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - Printable Version

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Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - RRManiac - 08-21-2010

Here's the rest up to where I'm at in the construction. More soon!            

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - RRManiac - 08-21-2010

Sorry about the picture quality. I have an unsteady hand

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - nachoman - 08-21-2010

RRManiac Wrote:Sorry about the picture quality. I have an unsteady hand

me too. I set my camera on "timer", prop the camera up and focus it at the subject, press the button, and wait.

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - Gary S - 08-21-2010

Does your camera have a macro setting? Shutter setting or ASO setting? Do you depress the button half way and allow the camera to focus, then depress the button the rest of the way so it takes the photo? Man, theres gotta be a better way! Those pics are pretty bad, surely your camera can do better!!!!

Keep trying, and experiment! Thumbsup

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - P5se Camelback - 08-21-2010

Gary S Wrote: Pictures



We want pictures!!!!
Big Grin


In Focus ...
................................... please!

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - Gary S - 08-21-2010

In focus


In FoCuS!!!!

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - tomustang - 08-21-2010

[Image: 231-focus1.jpg]

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - RRManiac - 08-21-2010

Sadly, my camera is my cell phone. I can't do much with the picture other than turn flash on and off.

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - MasonJar - 08-22-2010

Hi RRManiac,

You might try adding some extra lighting - even a desk lamp -to help your cell camera out. My first digicam had lower resolution and fewer features than most cell cameras today, yet takes pictures just fine:


This picture was taken without flash, but with two extra "flex-arm" desk lights that have compact fluorecents in them. I position one in front, and one more overhead and to the side.

You can also check out these Digital Photography Tips. Not all apply to cellphone cams, but things like lighting, and bracing against something to hold the camera still will help you. You probably should also back up a bit, since it looks like the camera is having trouble focussing that close (extra light will help that also). You can always crop the unneeded part of the photo before posting.


Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - P5se Camelback - 08-22-2010

Or ...

... you could try taking your photos from a little bit farther back so they are in focus, and then cropping them with Microsoft Picture Manager, Photo Shop or even after uploading them to Photobucket ...

... that would help ... as they are not very useful as they are now.

Sorry ... the truth is the truth. To "sugar coat" or praise them would be a disservice and unfair to you.

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - Ralph - 08-22-2010

P5se Camelback Wrote:... you could try taking your photos from a little bit farther back so they are in focus, and then cropping them with Microsoft Picture Manager, Photo Shop or even after uploading them to Photobucket .

I think that's a good idea. I had success doing that myself with my old camera.


Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - RRManiac - 08-25-2010

A small amount of progress has been made. I'm going to take some pictures soon. I got the sides of the stilts done, mostly. I also widened the strips on the bottom of the hopper to have a little room for trucks to move around underneath.

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - RRManiac - 08-25-2010

Here's picks... Finally! I have also named the "town" that the mine is at (the closest town that there is to it). It is the Blarney Coal Mine #1, and Blarney Coal Mine #2 is just above it.

Here's a few shots of the two sides for the support frame of the whole thing. It's not finished yet. Just a bit more trestling.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af159/RRManiac/Blarney%20Mine%20Stilt%20Hopper%20Tipple%20Challenge/?action=view&current=0825101455.jpg">http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 101455.jpg</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af159/RRManiac/Blarney%20Mine%20Stilt%20Hopper%20Tipple%20Challenge/?action=view&current=0821101845.jpg">http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 101845.jpg</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af159/RRManiac/Blarney%20Mine%20Stilt%20Hopper%20Tipple%20Challenge/?action=view&current=0825101454.jpg">http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 101454.jpg</a><!-- m -->

The top of the body with the new body supports to extend it's base on it:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af159/RRManiac/Blarney%20Mine%20Stilt%20Hopper%20Tipple%20Challenge/?action=view&current=0825101453a.jpg">http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 01453a.jpg</a><!-- m -->

And I'll finish up with a couple shots of the new base extension pieces attached to the bottom:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af159/RRManiac/Blarney%20Mine%20Stilt%20Hopper%20Tipple%20Challenge/?action=view&current=0825101453a.jpg#!oZZ3QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1003.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faf159%2FRRManiac%2FBlarney%2520Mine%2520Stilt%2520Hopper%2520Tipple%2520Challenge%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D0825101453.jpg%26">http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 453.jpg%26</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af159/RRManiac/Blarney%20Mine%20Stilt%20Hopper%20Tipple%20Challenge/?action=view&current=0825101453a.jpg#!oZZ4QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1003.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faf159%2FRRManiac%2FBlarney%2520Mine%2520Stilt%2520Hopper%2520Tipple%2520Challenge%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D0825101452.jpg%26">http://s1003.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 452.jpg%26</a><!-- m -->

Comments and criticism are greatly appreciated!

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - Green_Elite_Cab - 08-25-2010

Try using the Macro setting on your camera, it looks like a little tulip for most cameras. this lets you take up close pictures. also, set your camera on a steady location and use a short timer, without the flash, and plenty of light. You will take perfect pictures.

also, the wood bits should be cut to about a uniform size (make a cut just short then sand it down), as it will be an obvious thing if the wood braces are different sizes. though wood isn't always perfect, it isn't usually that different between pieces.

Re: RRManiac's Summer Stilt Hopper Tipple Structure Challenge - RRManiac - 09-05-2010

After the stain finishes drying, I'll take some pictures to be put up on here. I have a tiny little bit of weathering to do to the car body, and I also have some weathering to do on the wood. I still need to put a set of car decals on the car sides. Anybody have advice on how to remove decals from a car?

What about applying them if they are made on Walthers decal paper?